In today’s market where competition is getting fiercer and your customers ask much more for much less, it is very important to operate efficiently at the lowest possible cost, having the highest utilization and yield, and with the highest possible level of customer satisfaction.
Do you:
- Have a high level of data quality - re-use data across systems and thereby avoid double or triple input of the same information?
- Have the ability to do pricing and release quotations online
- - including proper auto-rating?
- Have quotation, booking and documentation processes and systems efficiently integrated?
- Have a space allocation solution - integrated with your booking system enabling instant checking of space availability and a complete overview of capacity utilized on each departure?
- Have the ability to do dynamic routing generation and selection of all transport options possible?
- Know in advance the contribution of each container and booking?
- Utilize your equipment optimally (improving equipment utilization factor by only 10% may increase your net profit by 50%)?
- Offer your customers E-commerce functionality enabling them to do the following via your website?
- - Getting a quote and placing a booking
- - Submitting shipping instruction, verify and print bill of lading
- - Free-time, detention and demurrage calculation and details
- - Schedule and routing look-up - as well as container and booking track-and-trace
If you can’t answer yes to some of the above, it may be a good idea to take a closer look at your business processes and IT coverage; please see below for some of my specific competency areas - on how to: